A Letter from Our Bishop

Greetings to each of you in Jesus’ Name.
The new year is here but our purpose is unchanged as a diocese: “We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we: worship joyfully, serve compassionately and grow spiritually.” Those are the words that the people of The Diocese of Atlanta choose to use to give voice to what we believe God is calling us to do and be in Middle and North Georgia.
Despite a war in the Holy Lands, economic challenges, dramatic weather events and general uncertainty we remain clear, God in Jesus Christ has asked us to imitate him in the world. In this issue of Pathways you will see some of the faces and places our shared purpose is being enfleshed. Look into the pages that follow and you will see Hispanic ministries expanding in new areas of our diocese. You will see us innovating in how we gather people for community and worship. You will see us tending to people through suicide prevention education. And you will see us addressing the gaps in education by walking alongside young people with less resources than many of us enjoy.
I pray these pages serve as inspiration for your continued perspiration as you make your way through a new year with and for Jesus our friend and Saviour.
Your brother,
Bishop Robert C. Wright