A Letter from the Editor


It is a privilege to serve the diocese as Canon for Communications and Digital Evangelism. If I am honest, taking on Pathways was my biggest challenge in 2022. I had no idea where to start. With all my experience in communications, printed publication is where I felt I needed the most support. And support I had.

That support started with a survey of the diocese in the fall of 2021. What I learned was a desire for Pathways to move in a new direction. A Pathways focused on the stories of our people. Support continued as we brought together a group of people representing our diocese that crowdsourced stories and made the needed connections throughout middle and north Georgia. And finally, the writer of Pathways came from the very pews of one of our congregations.

In this year’s Pathways, every story points us back to our shared purpose as The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Every story is inspired by the new thing God is doing in middle and north Georgia. I thank God for Pathways 2023 and her proclamation of Good News to the world. Thank you for trusting me to serve the faithful here in middle and north Georgia.


Easton Davis

Pathways Editor